Automatically remove or label Device from the Atera Dashboard
The following article describes how to delete an atera agent:
One part explains:
"Deleting the Atera agent while the endpoint is online will send an uninstall command to the endpoint."
It would be great if this worked the other way around as well, creating a perfect sync between dashboard and real life installation status on the endpoints.
User uninstalls Atera Agent manually from its endpoint. Atera Dashboard removes the Agent or highlights it with a label like "Uninstalled".
This would give us administrators a better overview of the clients and represent the true status on the reports like Auditor etc.
This issue is important to my company, because we often send reports to our clients and have gotten some feedback, that some of the listed clients are not in use anymore or had been reseted etc. and are thus not relevant anymore.
There might be others that find this feature very useful.