invoice api
A list of Apps that we have selected (example Malwarebytes) and then which customers are using the App and which of their computers that are using it.
With this we can invoice our customers directly for their usage, without having to do a report every month and enter the numbers manually.
A list with the invoices that we get from you (Invoice ID, Date, Product, Amount), again so we can make a list of which products we use and the quantity:
Item: “Malwarebytes - Mbytes-EndpointProtectionAndResponse-M“ ID: ” ID-1129570” Quantity: “789” Price: “$$$.$$”)
Item: “Atera - SD-ProNP-M“ ID: “ID-937789” Quantity: “26” Price: “$$$.$$”)
Total “$$$$.$$”
InvoiceDate "yyyy/MM/dd”
InvoiceNo “362574-1”
It could be that there are more fields that could be interesting for others, but these are the basic that we very much could use.