You need non-social media based support options. Facebook & Reddit are okay, but you need a standard community board where Atera users can c
It would be nice if Atera had traditional message boards for community access that are Atera monitored and community assisted, it would provide much better support for people who want to bounce and idea or question off users in similar environments. Facebook is ??okay?? but I've been watching for over a week and haven't seen a single new posting. A community support mechanism should have regular interactions between the support personnel and product users. If Atera doesn't want to support their own forums, already has an Atera vendor page and millions of technology enthusiasts who love helping other people. It's also been limiting my ability to truly test my ??full trial?? where I've spent at least 30 hours of personal time evaluating Atera when trial users don't even have access to the Facebook support page. If Atera wants their users to succeed, they need to provide the traditional tools that technolgy administrators use.