Ticket automation based on relative date instead of fixed date/time.
When we receive a ticket we plan this for a technician to resolve, and then change the ticket status from "open" to "pending". (To keep a nice overview of open tickets that still need attention.)
We want to be able to change the ticket status back from pending to open again, when the planned date has expired, and the ticket still has the status "pending" instead of "resolved".
Now in the date selector we only have "fixed" dates, not "Tomorrow" or "Today" or "Yesterday" so there is no option to create an automation like this, only absolute dates, or after a certain number of hours are past.
But our ticket planning can be that we plan a ticket for tomorrow, or after seven days, or everything in between. So fixed date/time entries are not useful to us.
So say we plan a ticket for the 3rd of june, we want to change the ticket status back to "open" again when it is the 4rd of june and the ticket still has the status "pending", so that we can see somebody did not resolve this ticket on time and plan the next action accordingly.