Work From Home Feature Requests:
- Password management:
When we are setting up a user account, we should be able to verify the password after so we can avoid human error.
- More than 1 user account for WFH access
This has been a secondary feature with our previous RMMs. If two users are setup on one device, they can only access that device via one mobile for MFA. This results in the user having to rely on another user's mobile number in order to access the account which is a major inconvenience if they can't gain access to that phone.
It would be really helpful if we could assign two users an account each with two separate mobile numbers so neither is relying on the other user to be available to request the code for access. As things stand, the setup we have isn't viable as we constantly have to change the mobile number in question.
- User invitation
Rather than forwarding on the email/password to the customer once the device has been setup for WFH - which presents its own security issues - it would be better if the user got an automated invite to Work From Home where they can be empowered to set their own secure password.
The remote access software is working so much better than our former provider, but I feel that - compared to our other RMM experiences - the above feature requests were second nature.
As good as your system has been + your level of care being very responsive - these are disappointing shortcomings and it's difficult to explain this to the customer given how these lack of features never entered our space in the past.
Hoping this can be considered.