Optimized Automation and Patch
Need to find a better solution for patch and automation.
The fact that you can't run Updates, System Restore Point, and a Restart all on one profile without it running into conflicts makes little sense to me.
I have now made 9 total profiles (3 sets of 3 [we have 3 different types of patch profiles running at different intervals]) to fix this. For each type we have to run System restore point, then 1 hour later a separate schedule for patches, then 2 hours after that a different, separate profile for restart. Hopefully it works.
While it isn’t really TOO MUCH trouble, I would like to point out that from a programming standpoint, it seems like these items should have maybe a priority listing (If system restore is enabled, set item to #1 priority, pause any other scripting until item is finished, move on to next task, etc.), and while I understand that EVERY computer is different, there could be an estimated time frame to run the task listed next to the item.
So, it could be System restore is prioritized to number 1, then patch as 2, then restart as 3. You could maybe even have an option for us to change the priority levels ourselves. That being said, and the time frame being mentioned, it could list time frame for all checked boxes, and offer an estimated time for the whole profile to run. Just an idea, but I will say that needing to make 3 separate profiles to make sure these run in the correct orders, and times, makes this a bit tedious and frustrating to manage.
As I had said, it was not too much trouble, but the fact that I needed to take extra steps could be possibly avoided in the future for myself and other customers. I’m sure I’m not the first one to complain about this.
Thank you for your help, and sorry for the rant, but I just feel like there is possibly a better way.

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Peter van der Kleij commented
We have been working with Atera for a short while now and every time I go a bit further in Atera, I come across another missed option. I look for these in user voices and often see that options were requested years ago...
Ultimately, I can't use Atera properly. There are still too many generic options that don't really offer a conclusive solution. Too many options have to be implemented too much twice or with a detour, just like Primary Freights describes.
Tobias Gelmar commented
Kann auch nicht verstehen warum das so gelöst wurde. Vor allem möchte man ja nicht, dass ein Patch installiert wird, wenn es z.B. einen Fehler gab beim erstellen des Restore Points.