not include date in device search
I would love the ability to include/exclude/choose which data to search when searching Devices.
I manage medical equipment, and some machine names have "OCT" in the name, as they're OCT machines. Today when searching for the OCT at a remote site within Atera/Devices, the list wasn't narrowed because the search apparently includes the date...and it's OCTober. Was pretty frustrating to scroll the list of devices to find the one I was looking for.
Machine names, usernames, WAN and/or LAN gateway IP addresses, and possibly DNS servers would be my main desired items to search "Devices" for. The date is pretty irrelevant in a Device search. It may be useful in a report or something, but I've never needed the latest check-in date to be searchable for my devices. If I need the check-in date, I already know what machine I need that for.