Configure Multiple Monitoring Agents
I have a small business client who is all cloud based and doesn't have any servers that can act as a monitoring agent for devices on their network. I selected a desktop PC at their reception desk to act as the monitoring agent for the office printer but it is likely that PC will go offline. I'd like to be able to specify multiple monitoring agents to act as a fallback.

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Jose Cerna commented
This is so important, specially for those of use that have multiple sites.
Currently you can only choose one monitor type, this should also change.
Let me give you the scenario, you have web service that is on premise. You want to monitor ports 80 and 443 but also it's health status page. Right now you would need to make at least two monitors.
Then you want to ensure people on all your subnets plus WAN can still access it. So you would need at least 1, in my opinion 2 monitoring agents per site/subnet plus 2 more for external Wan access.
This would ensure one monitor for that service but we would get a yellow notification when one of the sites can't reach it. Since we have two monitoring agents, we would hopefully know if it's fully down or just one agent is down.
This would save so much time specially when deploying or making changes to firewall, DNS, dhcp etc. As we would know if we broke something right away.
The last one would be a nice to have. For laptops that use wireless, since some clients only have laptops, setup a rule if they are off our network to stop monitoring.