Include network mapping
scheduled scan with mapping

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Ståle Gismervik commented
Would love to have a network scan that could show devices like AngryIP and Advanced Network scanner can. Names/brands of switches, firewalls and more.
Thomas Schröder commented
it would be even better when the map would be created automatically, so we don't have to use other software for this (network topology map including used ports, like switch 2 port 3 is connected to switch 1 port 1, and so on)
Jim Higgins commented
A network mapping tool, to replace the manual Visio diagrams. IT would then have the option to show information like IP address, Mac Address, device type, and more. Finally this network map would be exportable to a 3d party program format.
Thank you for considering this idea
WABSYS Support commented
Scheduled network mapping would be an excellent feature but also even just a list of devices with some history (device b appeared 4 weeks ago but has not been seen since Monday) also the ability to filter and report on transient devices or ones that don't have Atera installed or mibs attached.