Customer/Device Group Feature
Add feature to group several customers and/or devices.
Also, add feature to apply a threshold profile or running a script on a group.
Just one example: Group that contains all servers, so I can apply a threshold profile or run a script on all servers at once.

Nice! The feature you requested is being considered for development. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Peter van der Kleij commented
I have to create groups, per customer, where i add servers in, same for workstations. When a server/workstation is added, i have to put this in the correct group.
If a dynamic group is possible, this would save a great deal and less errors in the future.Like more features i find Ciritical, this is one of them. And this feature doesn't seem to hard to make. But Atera knows this feature is needed sinds 2021....
Create group
where os name = server
make a script that can be run manually and one that runs every 24 hour, to update the dynamic group :) -
James Poland commented
I would also like to see some kind of movement on this. Samuel brings up a great point, our jobs are about building solutions for clients. If I build a script that starts a needed service for a widely used program like QuickBooks. I would want that script and threshold to apply to all servers that met some kind of profile. Lets say our profile can group all devices that are equal to "windows server" and has a program called "Quickbooks Database Server Manager". This solves the problem across all my clients including new clients that are brought on.