293 search results
Assigned Technician does NOT receive notifications if another Tech is set at the contact
When the site is slow/down, I would still like to have easy access to the data base
Tickets API date range and more items per page
Ability to have a quick reply template automatically selected
Assign Ticket Forms to Customer
Customer read status tracking for tickets
Retired device on customer level
Automated ticket closing based on criteria. · Released
Delivery Optimization thru Atera
System to handle email notifications to copied recipients on tickets, not rely on "Reply All" from email client
ipfire & ipCop - Agent
Enable automatic agent override when OS is re-installed
Ability to change To: in ticket
Limit ticket loop notification
API Should Allow You to Switch A Customer From One Site to Another
Add the Ability to Restrict Access to Specific Ticket Templates
custom field from personal contact report
Contact Email not editable via API
report for automation profiles assigned per folders