10 results found
Documentation Management
Are you struggling to keep track of your customers info (i.e., files, addresses, passwords)? Interested in a documentation management integration?
1,217 votes -
Employee Onboarding/Offboarding Feature
A feature for onboarding and offboarding your customers employees, including functionalities such as administering permissions.
838 votes -
Attendance System for remote workers
A feature that tracks your customers' remote employee attendance during working hours. Share your needs with us and let us know what would bring value to your customers.
78 votes -
Chat availability hours
Having an option to set chat availability to specific hours (instead of only active / not active)
Request by Leon Flood via FB
77 votes -
Email All Clients
Add the ability to extract all email addresses out of Atera or the ability to email all clients at once. Implement user controls such that the admin can determine who is able to perform this function.
23 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Recommended merging of tickets
Periodically, we'll have emails come into Atera that generate new tickets instead of link to an existing ticket. It'd be a really simple and huge quality of life improvement if Atera can auto-suggest merging tickets. For example, if an email comes in for a customer with a subject like "RE: Recycle old servers", and there's already a ticket for that same custom with subject "Recycle old servers", when I click into the ticket generated for "RE: Recycle old servers", have some sort of button to say, "It looks like there's already a ticket, should I merge them?"
26 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
SaaS Licenses Management
Do you use SaaSOps platforms? Would you like to see an Atera integration? Let us know how you use SaaSOps, whether its for onboarding or offboarding employees, managing licenses and access. Please add anything else on your wish list.
49 votes -
Import ticket creation model
import GLPI model
9 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Create contacts for emails only from known domains
Right now the options in Atera for handling inbound email are to only create tickets for known contacts or to create contacts when emails come in. A 3rd option would help things a ton if we could say to only create contacts, if the email domain is one listed on a customer.
8 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Support Knowledge Center Sub-Categories
Ability to create more dependencies
-> Subcatory
-> Articleshould be amazing
8 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
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