Planned Webhook Management Platform Reports in main dashboard Platform Integrate Microsoft Teams PSA Dynamic SLAs PSA Ticket relations (parent-child ticketing) PSA API enhancements PSA Warranty management ITSM API endpoint - Get Asset ITSM Windows 11 upgrade advisor RMM Windows patch uninstallation RMM Patching dashboard improvements RMM New Ticket page PSA Ticket replies from multiple emails PSA Seamless device to asset mapping ITSM Dell warranty management ITSM Device to asset mapping ITSM Enhanced CSV asset import ITSM Lenovo warranty management ITSM Multiple Devices per Contact Platform Search enhancements Platform Coming Soon Customer Page Enhancements- Atera for MSPs Platform Agent 2.0 [Q4, 2024] RMM Released RedHat/CentOS Support for Linux [Q4, 2024] RMM Pinned details on Customer page [Q4, 2024] Platform Vulnerability reporting [Q4, 2024] RMM Patch failure feedback [Q4, 2024] RMM Attachment preview on Customer page [Q4, 2024] Platform Local timezone support for automation profiles [Q4,2024] RMM Knowledge Base Edit Rights [Q3, 2024] PSA Granular Permission Control [Q3, 2024] RMM Ticket Page Enhancements [Q1, 2024] PSA Advanced Analytics Patching Data for Windows and Mac RMM Ticket Page Enhancements [Q1, 2024] Devices Page Updates [Q1, 2024] Sites Page Updates [Q1, 2024] Scripting Interface Updates [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request New and Improved Devices Page [Q1] Update Atera agent remotely [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Custom SSL or LetsEncrypt SSL to allow https on custom domains in the customer portal [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Acronis Alerts [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request SSO for the Customer Portal [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Add customers from Atera app [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Ticket Conversation Order [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Add a filter for device type in the customer device view [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Time entry total [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Rule for ticket submitter to not change ticket status [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Ticket Templates/Forms [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Update TeamViewer to latest version [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Recurring Tickets [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Give user permission to view other users tickets [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request The New Ticket page, adding many capabilities [Q1 - Phase A, 2024] - Feature board request] PSA Automated ticket closing based on criteria. [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Assign new agents directly to folders [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Sort devices by patch status [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Sync "Email" Addresses from Azure AD rathar than "User Principal Name" [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Agent Activity Log RMM Add a resolution field to the ticket [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request API calls for last private note in ticketid call [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Show ticket created date [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Mark ticket as SPAM [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Sorting Devices [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Supporting a private custom software repository [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Increase the number of Chocolatey applications for which patches are installed [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Show "applied to" in threshold profiles [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request The ability to filter by "Available Patches" [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Ability to filter devices by last login or last reboot [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Add Battery health to API [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request ability to schedule a one time reboot on a server after hours [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Assign Automation Profile to Folder in the Automation Profile section on the folder tab [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Ability to add comment through API [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Install Agent and assign to client AND folder [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Reboot all agents requiring reboot [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Clone Automation Profile [Q1, 2024] - Feature board request Cynet integration [Q1, 2024] Integrations Select all on Devices page [Q2, 2024] RMM Improve software installation failure logs [Q2, 2024] RMM Load balancing for tech assignment [Q2, 2024] PSA New Agent Page RMM Default Form Selection PSA Advanced analytics patching data for Linux [Q2, 2024] RMM Advanced analytics software inventory [Q2, 2024] RMM Access Script-based Data [Q2, 2024] RMM Importing assets [Q2, 2024] Platform Splashtop for Linux RMM Advanced scripting permissions [Q3, 2024] RMM Roles & Permissions [Q3, 2024] Platform Ticket queue enhancements [Q3, 2024] PSA KB Roles & permissions [Q3, 2024] PSA More granular technician time entries and reporting [Q3, 2024] - Feature board request PSA Append original ticket when customer replies to automated notification rather than creating a new ticket. [Q3, 2024] - Feature board request PSA Notification on Ticket Assignment [Q3, 2024] - Feature board request PSA Active Directory integration for new users [Q3, 2024] - Feature board request Separate permissions to edit the knowledge base [Q3, 2024] - Feature board request Auto Refresh Atera Ticket Management Interfaces [Q3, 2024] - Feature board request Add Public Holidays for Business hours [Q3, 2024] - Feature board request PSA Form templates ticket automation rules [Q3, 2024] - Feature board request PSA Unassigned Ticket widget for dashboard [Q3, 2024] - Feature board request PSA Exclude holidays from SLAs [Q3, 2024] PSA Manual software patching [Q3, 2024] RMM Patching dashboard [Q4, 2024] RMM New role page [Q3, 2024] Platform New asset management fields [Q4, 2024] Platform Add last reboot time as threshold - [Feature board request] [Q3, 2024] RMM Custom fields in advanced reports [Q3, 2024] Platform Reporting enhancement: Custom fields [Q4, 2024] Platform Reports navigation changes [Q4, 2024] Platform Report Menu [Q4, 2024] Platform Splashtop Premium RMM Expanded third-party software repository RMM Installation report [Q4, 2024] MarketPlace Usage breakdown report [Q4, 2024] MarketPlace Technician availability [Q4, 2024] PSA Group based permissions PSA Winget software deployment and patching [Q1, 2025] RMM Group based permissions [Q1, 2025] PSA Logout policy - enforce global configurations [Q1, 2025] Platform